Source code for scrapy.pipelines.images

Images Pipeline

See documentation in topics/media-pipeline.rst

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import hashlib
import warnings
from contextlib import suppress
from io import BytesIO
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from itemadapter import ItemAdapter

from scrapy.exceptions import NotConfigured, ScrapyDeprecationWarning
from scrapy.http import Request, Response
from scrapy.http.request import NO_CALLBACK
from scrapy.pipelines.files import FileException, FilesPipeline, _md5sum
from scrapy.settings import Settings
from scrapy.utils.python import get_func_args, global_object_name, to_bytes

    from import Callable, Iterable
    from os import PathLike

    from PIL import Image

    # typing.Self requires Python 3.11
    from typing_extensions import Self

    from scrapy import Spider
    from scrapy.crawler import Crawler
    from import FileInfoOrError, MediaPipeline

class ImageException(FileException):
    """General image error exception"""

[docs]class ImagesPipeline(FilesPipeline): """Abstract pipeline that implement the image thumbnail generation logic""" MEDIA_NAME: str = "image" # Uppercase attributes kept for backward compatibility with code that subclasses # ImagesPipeline. They may be overridden by settings. MIN_WIDTH: int = 0 MIN_HEIGHT: int = 0 EXPIRES: int = 90 THUMBS: dict[str, tuple[int, int]] = {} DEFAULT_IMAGES_URLS_FIELD = "image_urls" DEFAULT_IMAGES_RESULT_FIELD = "images" def __init__( self, store_uri: str | PathLike[str], download_func: Callable[[Request, Spider], Response] | None = None, settings: Settings | dict[str, Any] | None = None, *, crawler: Crawler | None = None, ): try: from PIL import Image self._Image = Image except ImportError: raise NotConfigured( "ImagesPipeline requires installing Pillow 4.0.0 or later" ) super().__init__( store_uri, settings=settings if not crawler else None, download_func=download_func, crawler=crawler, ) if crawler is not None: if settings is not None: warnings.warn( f"ImagesPipeline.__init__() was called with a crawler instance and a settings instance" f" when creating {global_object_name(self.__class__)}. The settings instance will be ignored" f" and crawler.settings will be used. The settings argument will be removed in a future Scrapy version.", category=ScrapyDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) settings = crawler.settings elif isinstance(settings, dict) or settings is None: settings = Settings(settings) resolve = functools.partial( self._key_for_pipe, base_class_name="ImagesPipeline", settings=settings, ) self.expires: int = settings.getint(resolve("IMAGES_EXPIRES"), self.EXPIRES) if not hasattr(self, "IMAGES_RESULT_FIELD"): self.IMAGES_RESULT_FIELD: str = self.DEFAULT_IMAGES_RESULT_FIELD if not hasattr(self, "IMAGES_URLS_FIELD"): self.IMAGES_URLS_FIELD: str = self.DEFAULT_IMAGES_URLS_FIELD self.images_urls_field: str = settings.get( resolve("IMAGES_URLS_FIELD"), self.IMAGES_URLS_FIELD ) self.images_result_field: str = settings.get( resolve("IMAGES_RESULT_FIELD"), self.IMAGES_RESULT_FIELD ) self.min_width: int = settings.getint( resolve("IMAGES_MIN_WIDTH"), self.MIN_WIDTH ) self.min_height: int = settings.getint( resolve("IMAGES_MIN_HEIGHT"), self.MIN_HEIGHT ) self.thumbs: dict[str, tuple[int, int]] = settings.get( resolve("IMAGES_THUMBS"), self.THUMBS ) @classmethod def _from_settings(cls, settings: Settings, crawler: Crawler | None) -> Self: cls._update_stores(settings) store_uri = settings["IMAGES_STORE"] if "crawler" in get_func_args(cls.__init__): o = cls(store_uri, crawler=crawler) else: o = cls(store_uri, settings=settings) if crawler: o._finish_init(crawler) warnings.warn( f"{global_object_name(cls)}.__init__() doesn't take a crawler argument." " This is deprecated and the argument will be required in future Scrapy versions.", category=ScrapyDeprecationWarning, ) return o def file_downloaded( self, response: Response, request: Request, info: MediaPipeline.SpiderInfo, *, item: Any = None, ) -> str: return self.image_downloaded(response, request, info, item=item) def image_downloaded( self, response: Response, request: Request, info: MediaPipeline.SpiderInfo, *, item: Any = None, ) -> str: checksum: str | None = None for path, image, buf in self.get_images(response, request, info, item=item): if checksum is None: checksum = _md5sum(buf) width, height = image.size path, buf, info, meta={"width": width, "height": height}, headers={"Content-Type": "image/jpeg"}, ) assert checksum is not None return checksum def get_images( self, response: Response, request: Request, info: MediaPipeline.SpiderInfo, *, item: Any = None, ) -> Iterable[tuple[str, Image.Image, BytesIO]]: path = self.file_path(request, response=response, info=info, item=item) orig_image = width, height = orig_image.size if width < self.min_width or height < self.min_height: raise ImageException( "Image too small " f"({width}x{height} < " f"{self.min_width}x{self.min_height})" ) image, buf = self.convert_image( orig_image, response_body=BytesIO(response.body) ) yield path, image, buf for thumb_id, size in self.thumbs.items(): thumb_path = self.thumb_path( request, thumb_id, response=response, info=info, item=item ) thumb_image, thumb_buf = self.convert_image(image, size, response_body=buf) yield thumb_path, thumb_image, thumb_buf def convert_image( self, image: Image.Image, size: tuple[int, int] | None = None, *, response_body: BytesIO, ) -> tuple[Image.Image, BytesIO]: if image.format in ("PNG", "WEBP") and image.mode == "RGBA": background ="RGBA", image.size, (255, 255, 255)) background.paste(image, image) image = background.convert("RGB") elif image.mode == "P": image = image.convert("RGBA") background ="RGBA", image.size, (255, 255, 255)) background.paste(image, image) image = background.convert("RGB") elif image.mode != "RGB": image = image.convert("RGB") if size: image = image.copy() try: # Image.Resampling.LANCZOS was added in Pillow 9.1.0 # remove this try except block, # when updating the minimum requirements for Pillow. resampling_filter = self._Image.Resampling.LANCZOS except AttributeError: resampling_filter = self._Image.ANTIALIAS # type: ignore[attr-defined] image.thumbnail(size, resampling_filter) elif image.format == "JPEG": return image, response_body buf = BytesIO(), "JPEG") return image, buf
[docs] def get_media_requests( self, item: Any, info: MediaPipeline.SpiderInfo ) -> list[Request]: urls = ItemAdapter(item).get(self.images_urls_field, []) return [Request(u, callback=NO_CALLBACK) for u in urls]
[docs] def item_completed( self, results: list[FileInfoOrError], item: Any, info: MediaPipeline.SpiderInfo ) -> Any: with suppress(KeyError): ItemAdapter(item)[self.images_result_field] = [x for ok, x in results if ok] return item
[docs] def file_path( self, request: Request, response: Response | None = None, info: MediaPipeline.SpiderInfo | None = None, *, item: Any = None, ) -> str: image_guid = hashlib.sha1(to_bytes(request.url)).hexdigest() # nosec return f"full/{image_guid}.jpg"
[docs] def thumb_path( self, request: Request, thumb_id: str, response: Response | None = None, info: MediaPipeline.SpiderInfo | None = None, *, item: Any = None, ) -> str: thumb_guid = hashlib.sha1(to_bytes(request.url)).hexdigest() # nosec return f"thumbs/{thumb_id}/{thumb_guid}.jpg"